Source Code Editor
Using the Mouse Editor supports the following mouse actions:
Editor Hot Keys: Command Keystroke ======================================================================= Toggle Bookmark Control + F2 Next Bookmark F2 Prev Bookmark Shift + F2 Copy Control + C, Control + Insert Cut Control + X, Shift + Delete, Control + Alt + W Cut Line Control + Y Cut Sentence Control + Alt + K Paste Control + V, Shift + Insert Undo Control + Z, Alt + Backspace Document End Control + End Document End Extend Control + Shift + End Document Start Control + Home Document Start Extend Control + Shift + Home Find Control + F, Alt + F3 Find Next F3 Find Next Word Control + F3 Find Prev Shift + F3 Find Prev Word Control + Shift + F3 Find and Replace Control + H, Control + Alt + F3 Go To Line Control + G Go To Match Brace Control + ] Select All Control + A Select Line Control + Alt + F8 Select Swap Anchor Control + Shift + X Insert New Line Above Control + Shift + N Indent Selection Tab Outdent Selection Shift + Tab Tabify Selection Control + Shift + T Untabify Selection Control + Shift + Space Lowercase Selection Control + L Uppercase Selection Control + U, Control + Shift + U Left Word Control + Left Right Word Control + Right Left Sentence Control + Alt + Left Right Sentence Control + Alt + Right Toggle Overtype Insert Display Whitespace Control + Alt + T Scroll Window Up Control + Down Scroll Window Down Control + Up Scroll Window Left Control + PageUp Scroll Window Right Control + PageDown Delete Word To End Control + Delete Delete Word To Start Control + Backspace Extend Char Left Shift + Left Extend Char Right Shift + Right Extend Left Word Control + Shift + Left Extend Right Word Control + Shift + Right Extend to Line Start Shift + Home Extend to Line End Shift + End Extend Line Up Shift + Up Extend Line Down Shift + Down Extend Page Up Shift + PgUp Extend Page Down Shift + Next Record Macro Control + Shift + R Set Repeat Count Control + R Regular Expression Syntax Rules for Search and Replace Wildcards: ? (for any character), + (for one or more ot something), * (for zero or more of something). Sets of characters: Characters enclosed in square brackets will be treated as an option set. Character ranges may be specified with a - (e.g. [a-c]). Logical OR: Subexpressions may be ORed together with the | pipe symbol. Parenthesized subexpressions: A regular expression may be enclosed within parentheses and will be treated as a unit. Escape characters: Sequences such as: \t - tab etc. will be substituted for an equivalent single character. \\ represents the backslash. If there are problems with the source editor you may need to manually copy "cmax20.ocx" from program's folder into Windows\System or Windows\System32 replacing any existing version of that file (restart may be required before system allows to replace existing file). Portions Copyright 1997-2002 Barry Allyn. All rights reserved. |